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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Figures about the market in 2007

The total investors wealth surged by more than Rs35 trillion during 2007, while it has already grown by more than Rs2.66 trillion so far in 2008.

The total market cap stood at Rs71,69,983 crore on 31 December 2008, as against Rs36,24,357 crore at 2006-end. The market capitalisation has grown to a record high of Rs74,36,689 crore, as on 4 January 2008.

The gain of Rs35,45,626 crore in the investors’ wealth results into an average gain of Rs14,182.5 crore in one trading session or Rs42 crore every minute. However, the gain of Rs2,66,706 crore so far in 2008 gives an average of Rs66,676 per trading session or Rs199 crore per minute.